Stone Island
- With discounts on items from previous seasons, please provide in the case of online sales a special section with “old season” and not mix the old season items with the regular collections.
The suggestion is to promote the items on sale from previous seasons below the new collections instead of the opposite. No sales on the carry over styles and carry over colors, see attached list of articles and colors.
- Private sales (Without communication online or in the store, only via direct mailing) from June 20th till June 26th with a maximum discount of -30%.
- Public Sales starting on June 27th till July 31th with a maximum discount of -30%
- Private Sales (Without communication online or in the store, only via direct mailing) from the June 20th till June 30th with a maximum of -30%
- Public Sales by registered by law from the July 1th till July 31th with a maximum discount of -30%
- Private Sales (Without communication online or in the store, only via direct mailing) from the June 17th till June 23th with a maximum of -30%
- Public Sales by registered by law from the June 24th till July 20th with a maximum discount of -30%